Put yourself in the right place in the right time.

One thing that I have learned in college is the importance of putting yourself in the right place and right time. The first thing you need to do is find your priorities and goals. If your goal is to become the best seamstress, then put yourself in places with a sewing machine. How are you supposed to become one of the best if you don't have a sewing machine to practice on? If you want to date more, put yourself in places where people you want to date are. If you want to lose weight, put yourself in the produce section of the grocery store or in the gym.

Tonight, I had a nice preview of what grad school would be like. I had my video training for watching enactment (couple-centered) videos. I was surrounded by the professor I want to work with in grad school, first year graduate students and my graduate research assistant. We are working on a therapy process research project where we code therapy sessions and analyze them. We talked in depth about therapy processes and attachment theories. I felt so grateful for the experience to be in the right place in the right time. Finding undergraduate work that directly correlates with your career goals is one of the most important things you should do in your undergraduate experience. Training is available for students. You just need to search for those opportunities. My life has become full of psychology. I go to psychology classes everyday. I do research on marriage and psychology everyday. I am a teaching assistant for a psychology class. I talk to psychology majors about psychology. I think about psychology everyday. I feel like I live and breathe psychology and marriage and family therapy. In this sense, I am so grateful for my experiences because I truly am exposed to what my life would be like if I was in grad school. My life would be dedicated to marriage and family therapy for 3 years. Am I ready for that? Do I want that now? Do I need a mental break? Would the workplace be a good preparation? Am I too young? So many questions that I think about as I start my grad school applications.

The good thing about when you do put yourself in the right place in the right time, is that you will find yourself immersed in the work that you love. My senior year has already proven to be busy. It is a good busy though. It is a productive busy full of work with people and of work meant to help better people. It is the type of work that I need to be doing.

I was thinking today about achievement and the purpose of our life. This is my perspective, but I view our purpose to become educated and work hard to serve others. We can do this in many different ways. We don't all need to become psychologists, therapists and social workers to fulfill it. We just need to find our personal "mission" and put our self in the right place so we can be prepared.  I hope that everyone can find their motivation and mission and work hard to fulfill that. Whatever you do, put your whole heart and mind to it and become the best possible. Become a expert on what you passionate about. I don't care if its the best method to collect garbage, or teach children to eat their vegateables. Just find something your passionate about and work your butt off for it.


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