The hardest kiss I have ever worked for.

I was looking at pictures and videos from this summer and I just laughed. Well, I watched the BYU vs Utah game and I was just confused. I was shocked and amazed and mad and angry. It was just a mixture of various emotions into one, so I decided to look back on my summer pictures. Which leads me to this post, what is the hardest and best kiss that you have ever worked for? This question entitles how much patience, waiting, courting, money you had to put into getting a kiss or giving a kiss to someone. Everyone has good kiss stories. We don't need to share them publicly on blogs because some of them are more embarrasing, but every person's first kiss or kiss sometime in their life is great.

Well to answer my own question, I will give you a picture first. Me and my best friend are trying to kiss my other best friend. I am straight, I just want to point it out in case people wondered. From my other posts, i talk about cuddling with my best friend, we are straight. Now that we got clear, my other friend was turning 21 so we were trying to give her birthday kiss. She didn't want it, so we had to fight for it. It was actually very difficult.
See? We yelled at each other and talked very loudly. Our friend forewarned people of what would happen if you drank. You would end up like us. See, I don't think that we are drunk, we are just crazy and immature. It relates to being drunk right? The funny thing that happened after this night was my brother sending me a journal article talking about how acting drunk and drinking mocktails can have the same effects as alcohol. He had no idea what we were doing the night before.

So, this video just made me laugh. It was probably one of the funniest things I have watched all day. Well, unless we count the ending of the BYU and Utah football game. Lets just say, that we have learned the importance of not going on the field while the ball is active. It will end up in lots of flags and penalties. I just wanted the game to go into overtime, because that would just be super crazy. Just like me and my friends, the game was crazy tonight. Well, I hope that everyone's hardest kiss they ever worked for was worth it!


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