My Philosophy vs. the World

 I have noticed a difference in the way I look at the world compared to other people. I look at the world with a moral point of view. I wake up and think, what should I do? My answer is always to do what is right. I can choose the right thing which might not be the most popular, the most fun, and the easiest. I try to think logically about what is the best option weighing out my options and making sure I am making the right choice.

This is opposite of the people around me. This is their thought process most of the time. They ask themselves; What feels the best? If feeling the best means getting drunk and being hung over all next morning, then they do that. They don't think of the consequences of what could happen when they are hung over for work. That dosen't matter because in the moment it feels good. This is not always the case, but for most young single adults they do what they want in the moment because it feels good.

These are just my observations from working with my co workers and noticing their attitudes and behaviors. I feel myself slipping into their philosophy sometimes. I catch myself and think oh yes, what is the right thing to do? Sometimes it can be the same as whichever feels the best. But most of the time, i am choosing the opposite of everyone around me.


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