Being Comfortable in Your Shoes

I have recently started to feel comfortable with who I really am. I have realized that I am different than most people. I think differently. I want different things in life. I base my happiness on other things than other people. I make decisions that are contrite to others around me.

When I first arrived in Florida, I would be more likely to just follow the crowd because I just wanted to fit in and make new friends. That is always a option when you move to a new place. It will work because you will find friends; they may not be the best because you are just a sheep in their crowd.

I like to have my own mind and to be independent. I like to do things differently. I thought that this was strange and weird so I changed my ways a little when I first came here. I realized that it is okay to not follow the crowd and be alone. I would rather be comfortable and be myself than act like someone else just to fit in with a crowd. And in the mean time, you will find someone like you where you can be yourself. It is worth it to find a friend who will accept you and wait for them instead of changing yourself to be friends with another group. I think Shakespeare said "Be true to thy own self" or something like that. I know the quote could be wrong; I am really tired and need to go to bed. I am learning that being true to yourself is the best way to life. There is happiness to keeping to your standards and finding yourself. When you feel comfortable in your shoes, you start to love and respect yourself more!


  1. Kristen, I have enjoyed reading some of your posts, and your thoughts. The quote you reference comes from Shakespeare's play, Hamlet. Polonius gives this advice. He isn't the nicest guy, but it is a reminder that we can learn from everyone.
    You are a beautiful person! I am so impressed by the independence you speak of, and your concern to follow the Lord and not the precepts of men. You are doing a great job, and those shoes look great on you.


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