You Never Know

Everyone has unique experiences. You never know what people are going through when you are talking to them.   In a pre-shift meeting at work the other day, the manager emphasized not only the disney basics but basic respect in the workplace. I guess there has been some disrespectful comments at work and people started telling managers they were offended. You might joke around about something that is funny to you but might hurt someone else's feelings. My manager's advice to us at the meeting: run something in your head before you say it out loud. How would you like to hear it if it was repeated back to you?

Everyone is guilty of this. I have done it before and felt horrible. Even if you are close to someone, you may not know everything that is going on in their life. Just be careful with what you say. Even if your intentions are not to hurt someone, words can hurt.

And to the same time to those who are offended, forgiving someone is very important. If they sincerely apologized, holding a grudge will only hurt you.


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