Random Fact

I love the Carpenters and James Taylor. I know they are old. They just produce good music that makes me happy. Recently I just bought a song from James Taylor. I put it on my ipod and listen to it everyday. I used to make fun of James Taylor all the time until recently. How did this all change about?

I was staying up late with one of my dear roommates when we should of been sleeping. We were talking about music, and I had recently been listening to James Taylor while doing homework. He would always relax me to a point where I wasn't stressed out. We both announced that we loved James Taylor, so I think of my roommate when I think of James Taylor. I think of how we sang out loud and annoyed the neighbors with singing the wrong notes of the James Taylor collection.

Isn't it funny how music and memories go together like peanut butter and jelly? I will always remember the music from the wishes firework show. It just touches my heart. Music enhances life by adding more depth. It is the salt that brings more flavor to a bland food dish. Have you ever seen a chick flick with no sound on? When the couple kisses with a love song in the background, your heart just swells with happiness with the couple. A scary movie without the suspenseful music in the background is just a man walking in a dark hallway. You don't scream with no music in a movie. Anyways the Carpenters can ease you from a bad day and bring you back up. It never fails!


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