Our Options

We are provided with so many options around us. We have the world in front of us and we choose what we want to make of it. For example, look at Subway. I have been eating there a lot lately. haha. Everyone chooses a different sandwich, a different length, different cheeses, different breads, different vegatables, and different sauces. Just for fun they even have cookies to add to your total pacakge. My point here (I do have one!) is that everyone has a potential and ability to choose what they want. I would personally like a Spicy Italin on Italian Herb and Cheese with all veggies except green peppers, jalepeno's, and red onions. No sauce on my sandwich. I bet my sandwich is much different than yours. This reminds me of how we are all presented with a situation, we then have a option to choose our perspective. I know this is a very Humanistic view on human nature. I love the Humanistic view because it is very positive. It is about our potential and ability to grow from our experiences. I see the Humanistic view all the time though. I did dishwashing tonight again. They apparently like me with the dishwashing. I was with this one guy who was complaining the whole time; I tried to not complain because I was trying to have a positive attitude. We both went through the same experience, yet we had a different outcome. At the end of the day, he was angry and I was just tired. The Humanistic view goes along with the idea of "American Dream". We start off with nothing and end up with a nice income based on the choice to reach your full potential.

Just remember we will always have a list of options to choose from, it is your responsibility to choose what you want and build up your future. No one can create misery for you. You create misery for yourself for choosing to be miserable. There is always an alternative option!


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