
I have learned about sacrifice recently. Sacrifice is hard. You are giving up something that you want for something else that is usually better for you in the end. Today I sacrificed sleep to go to church. I wanted to sleep badly, but I realized that church would beneficial in the end. I was extremely grateful for my choice in the end. It made me think about other things I sacrifice in my life. I sacrifice my nights to work because thats when I am scheduled. There goes my social life. I sacrifice not going to parties and drinking because of my religion. In the end, I don't feel like I am loosing out on too much fun. Some sacrifices are easier than others. Loosing sleep is not a big sacrifice compared to loosing a loved one. The biggest sacrifice I believe we can make is through our time. We can help others out by giving them our love, service and encouragement when we could use that time for ourselves.

Even though sacrifice is hard, it is a necessary skill that everyone must learn. We need to learn how to sacrifice our wants and needs for someone else's. If we look at our greatest friends and leaders, they sacrificed everything they needed for the group. I saw a father yesterday at work who was wearing worn shoes and a worn shirt. His daughter was wearing a princess dress with the princess hair(it is not cheap). It was sweet to see how he sacrificed his money and comfort to make his princess happy at Disneyworld. A mother will give up her sleep for her crying baby. A father will give up his paycheck for his daughter to go back to school shopping (thanks dad :). There are so many examples of people who will and have sacrificed things for me. I am grateful for them. On a spiritual note (It is Sunday), Jesus Christ suffered my sins. That is the ultimate sacrifice. If I could learn to give up my needs and put others first, then I would become a much better person.


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