Speak Up

I am a girl who usually ignores situations that needs to be addressed. I don't like conflict and bringing up problems. I guess you could say I am afraid of conflict but I deal with conflict for other people very well. I was in conflict management in High School and help with other people's problems all the time. When it comes to my own personal problems, I deal with things differently. Sometimes I think I need more courage to speak up and tell the world that something is wrong. I don't like bringing attention to myself; I will ignore the conflict and pretend that everything is okay. The thing I am learning here is that when you ignore the conflict and pretend you are fine, then the problem will get bigger. The only way to get ride of situation is to address it.

So if you are like me, then we need to speak up when something is wrong. We shouldn't be afraid to tell someone that we need help. It is okay to ask for help. I don't like asking for help. I like to be independent and deal with things by myself. Then I get to the point where I realize I need help. Speak up. Don't be afraid to bring someone else in your problem and let them help you come up with a solution. That is why we have other human beings on the earth: to help you. Even if there might be consequences for someone else, if you are being harmed you need to address the problem. Don't try to justify not receiving help because you are strong enough to deal with the situation. If you need help, get help. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Why? Because we are human. No one deserves to be treated in any way that is disrespectful. So don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and get help.


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