
This week I have learned that I am brave. I don't feel brave. I feel weak sometimes. I have these weaknesses that I feel like control me sometimes. I try to be strong. I try to appear like I am strong. The weird thing is when you pretend you are strong, then you become strong. I had a project where I had to present who I am. I thought of different experiences that show my bravery and It just opened my eyes.

When I was younger, I broke my arm. I fell asleep in the car with my broken arm on the hour or so car ride to the hospital. It was amazing that I could fall asleep while having so much pain. I didn't cry when having shots and getting my cast because my family was there. I knew I was safe with having my parents there to support me. The doctor said I was the bravest girl in that hospital. When I got my root canal done when I was younger, I smiled through the process. I remember when they were putting a shot in my nerve, I wanted to cry but I stayed strong.I guess you could say my strength comes from knowing that I am loved by my family and friends. I know people trust me and depend on me for help.

I can handle emotional pain. There have been several moments when I have just wanted to mentally breakdown but I can control my thinking to become positive to prevent the breakdown. People have hurt me in my past. I have hurt people in the past. I have had some regrets, not too many. I have been heartbroken. I have felt forgotten and lonely. But I don't usually focus on those bad experiences. I try to look to the future and change my perspective. I have learned that each painful experience we have is meant for us to learn from. We can become stronger when we feel pain. There is the phrase "pain is weakness leaving the body". I believe that is true. Each painful emotional or physical experience I have become stronger from it.Who I am is a collection of lessons I have learned from my life experiences. I have had joy and pain. I have felt sorrow and   bliss. The experiences with I have felt the opposition have strengthened me to face my future with faith instead of fear.

People may look at me and think I am a shy or reserved girl. I can be sometimes, I am becoming more outgoing. I have gone skydiving. I like roller coasters. I like high adventure plans. Yet I am brave with following my dreams and making hard decisions. I am brave with handling physical and emotional pain. If I am known with my loved ones for being brave, I would be satisfied with my life. The girl who didn't let anyone come in between her dreams, and stayed true to what was right. If I had this reputation, I would be perfectly happy in my life.


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