Our Perceptions

I am taking Sensation and Perception. It is a really hard but interesting class. Recently, we learned about how our world is full of stimulus that our body takes in to change the stimulus into a electrical signal. The body can then read the electrical signal and develop a perception of the signal. What comes into the process is our knowledge of the world. The knowledge we currently have will change the stimulus to what we want it to be. Our world is in our own blurry eyes. It is not a clear image of what the world truly is. I like to think I have good judgments. My judgments and perceptions can be false because I take in what is around me and change it. There is nothing wrong with this. What if we saw the world as it truly was? We might not like it. We might not like to see all the pain and heartache that exists. We might not want to see the dishonesty, lack of trust, and theft that occurs. I am not saying that the world is a awful place. I think it can be a wonderful place. It all depends on your individual perceptions. Just like how we see the glass half full or half empty. We really do see the world in the way we want to see it. We can ignore things we don't want to address and imagine that the hot guy in the library really does like us. We can convince ourselves that we are ugly, that we can sing like a American Idol pro, or that the neighbor is intentionally trying to destroy the yard. We can convince ourselves with any perception because our own biased view of looking at the world!


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