In the Manner of the Adverb

This a fun game that my cousin introduced to me. I had a game night at my apartment last Friday where we played it. You choose an adverb when someone is out of the room. The person comes back in the room and creates a scenario where you act it out with the adverb. They try to guess the adverb.

So the adverb was awkwardly. A perfect scenario for me and my cousin who just got back from his mission. We were on a double date and I was more interested in him than he was in me. So I kept complementing him and trying to touch his hair and he would just fidget away from me. It was super awkward and so funny. We were laughing all night about that one part. My favorite part of the night was when he pretended to get a phone and call and the other guy on the double date said..."he got a phone call". Yep. We were silly. But we can be silly on a Friday night after a long week of studying. And after receiving a good grade on my first Sensation and Perception exam?

If you are looking for a fun game night idea when you can just laugh, play this game and let your goofy side take control. It will be worth it after a long stressful week!


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