A Pink Photoshoot

Me and my roommates saw a storm coming so what do you do? Go take a pink photoshoot with high heels and your favorite pink umbrella. Want to see some pictures? Of course you do!

We had a lot of fun. It was good roommate bonding time on a sunday afternoon! Also, we were just watching people through the window. People are fun to watch. They were trying to skateboard and rollerboard while dodging cars as they drove through the parking lot. They were flirting. They were being goofy. They were on their phones a lot. They were fascinating to watch. Yes, I am a people watcher. I enjoy it very much. I have a hard time getting my homework done with these girls in my apartment. We have fun distracting each other. Well, my homework break is officially over, but next sunday go do something crazy like having a pink photoshoot!


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