
I watched the Justin Bieber dvd last night with my roommate. It made me kinda sad. I used to be one of those fanatic fans for NSYNC with my mom with me singing the words of every NSYNC song at the concert. I remember waking up finding out I had NSYNC tickets and thinking to myself I was the luckiest girl in the world. I bought a new sparkly blue shirt from Nordstroms and went with my friend Kimmie.

It made me think of my happy childhood when I could run with tutu's, climb cherry trees, play barbie's and sit on my dad's lap. Justin Bieber had this childhood but his teenage years will be full of touring on a bus with his managers. My teenage years were full of school work, piano, friends, guys, family bonding time, and time with my favorite dog Butch. I would never take these years back. My favorite memories are on my 16th birthday with getting roses and a dating 8 ball. I remember taking goofy pictures with my friends and driving to Homecoming with my best friend Amanda. I remember when I was grounded from electricity. I remember going to the parks and getting kicked out everytime. I remember movie nights and cuddling for the first time. All of these precious moments would not be here If I was famous and always on the go. I liked the normal teenager life and I would never take it back for anything in the world.

I am saying goodbye to my teenage years this Friday and moving on toward adulthood (even though I was an adult already).

I want to thank everyone who was in my teenage years of my life for the happiness you brought into my life. I had my first love, first heartbreak, went to many school and church dances, graduated seminary and high school, started college, worked at DisneyWorld, traveled across the nation, developed my love for shopping and shoes, and just had fun. Cheers to becoming an adult! May the next years in my life be better.

Now I get to decide about my career, marriage eventually, college, maybe mission, and money management! These are definitely more intense problems than my teenage problems, but hey I am already an adult so I can handle it :)


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