Self Discipline

I have been thinking about how it can be hard to say no to people. I am a people pleaser so I like to make others happy with my actions. This can be a good and bad thing. I hate when people are mad at me. Can't they just forgive me and we can be friends? But I think it is even harder than saying no to other people is saying no to yourself. Desire is a strong thing. It can be stronger than logic at times. You make a plan and goal to accomplish something. And then the strongest desire comes and takes over that good intentioned goal. Yes, this happens to me all the time. I really do want to keep a budget. I really do want to get my homework done and get good grades. I want to be kind to everyone. I want to eat healthy and exercise daily. These are my good intentions. What prevents me from accomplishing my goals? My desires. I love chocolate chip cookie dough. I love sleeping in. I love to spend money. I love to socialize. These desires can overcome me when I am trying to reach my goal. Just because I desire something dosen't mean I need it. It dosen't make a good excuse when I don't reach my goal. I can say that "I wanted to eat healthy yesterday but the no bake cookies were too tempting". Ulitmately I chose to ate them. It was my agency. I chose to give in to my desires. It wasn't genetics. People may have influenced me but it was me who ate the cookie. Do you have self discipline? Can you say no to yourself? When you want to date someone who is bad for you and you really want them because you are physically attrtacted to them? Physical attraction is strong. Are you strong enough to say "My agency is stronger"? Do you realize the power you have in decision making? Can you tell yourself that "my self-esteem is more important than giving in to my desires". When we give in to our desires, then we lose confidence in ourselves. We think less ourselves and it becomes easier to create a downspiral of thinking. Want to have a positive image of yourself, make decisions and stick to them. The more you stick to your values, you will feel stronger as a person. You have power to stick up to your values and people will watch you. You will gain respect for your self-discipline. That is what brings joy and confidence. This positive image you carry about yourself in your mind will create a cycle where you constantly are becoming better. It all starts with a decision to say "no" to yourself and stick to your decisions!


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