Jane Austen

Here is my question for the day. I know I already posted today but two posts in one day isn't a horrible thing. Do women love longest? Anne Elliot said it in Persuasion to Captain Wentworth's friend. I just love Jane Austen. She has a way of connecting with every generation. In Persuasion, Anne Elliot is afraid that Captain Wentworth will never love her again. She refused his proposal but after several years she is still in love with him. In the end, the love is triumphant and Anne finds her long time forgotten love. This love story is very different than the other stories. I was thinking about Anne Elliot. She has the strongest character. She refused Captain Wentworth at a young age because he was a low rank in the Army and her family disapproved of the relationship. I recall reading somewhere that Jane Austen related most to Anne Elliot. The quiet yet determined character.

My favorite character is Emma. Emma is so human. She makes judgment mistakes all the time. She tries to match up people but fails everytime. She is so funny because she tries to be right. I relate to Emma and Anne Elliot in different ways. I love the courtship between Emma and Mr. Knightley. Emma and Mr, Knightley are friends for the longest time. They try to correct each other's mistakes, but in the end they learn to love each other despite their weaknesses. Mr. Knightley is older but I just love that friendship is the key to the relationship. It is ideal to marry your best friend and that is what Emma does. She dosen't marry for money, status, family inheritance, but because she loves her best friend.

Jane Austen gives a good feministic twist to marriage to her time period. Most of the female characters married because it was their decision not because of the family. They refused people. To refuse someone would be outrageous! A women's responsibility was to solely get married and carry a comfy home. Elizabeth Bennet refused Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy (the first proposal). After Mr. Darcy explained his bad behavior, then she began to love him Anne Elliot refused Charles, who became her brother in law. Emma refused several men because they didn't match up to her expectations. They married for love. They married for respect. I love that Jane Austen showed that women can be strong and chose for themselves.

Each time I watch Jane Austen, I learn something new. I find a new application. I find a new deeper theme. Jane Austen was an intelligent writer who was ahead of her time. I love the irony, romance, character development, dancing, movies, foreshadowing, humor, and language. I find myself lost in a Jane Austen movie periodically. I find myself laughing at the irony. I find myself feeling sorry for Mr. Collins. He is like an attractive guy who is extremely awkward (except the fact that he isn't attrractive). He has to offer his many words of appraisal to Lady Catherine De Burg. A life with Mr. Collins would be always interesting. I would do the same thing as Charlotte; read and drink tea in my private bedroom while he is away from me in his gardens and long walks.

I just appreciate Jane Austen greatly. She is a good example of timeless characters and literature! If you read this….Who is your favorite Jane Austen character and why?


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