Cheek to Cheek

I had my dancing competition today for Social Dance Intermediate. I didn't place in foxtrot, but I got 4th in Night club two step. I just love dancing. I was thinking about how my love has intensified throughout college. I started with Social Dance and I learned the waltz, cha cha and swing. I then took International Latin and International Standard. I learned more waltz, quickstep, foxtrot, samba and another style of cha cha. I took this class and I learned some salsa, mambo, more foxtrot, and night club two step. I have learned through country nights, I have learned merengue and salsa from Latin Dancing. I learned the basic of tango tonight, I feel like the more I learn about dfiferent dances, the more I fall in love with dancing. I danced with this one guy whose specialty is triple swing. I LOVED it! He was so much fun, we were spinning all around the floor. I really don't like foxtrot but tonight we danced to the song "Cheek to Cheek". I loved dancing with my partner because we were really comfortable with each other, so there was no pressure. We just danced, laughed and made up our own moves in addition to the moves we had already learned.

Dance is a great way to relax and have fun. I love taking a dance class each semester. I meet new people, I learn new dance step, I compete in the dance competition and I have fun compared to my stressful classes. I am not trying to brag in this blog, but I feel myself getting better the more I dance. I learn and master new steps. My favorite things about the Social dance Formal was the fact that they played all types of dances and I could dance to all of them. Before, I was limited in which dances I could do because I was unaware of the style and moves of each dance. After taking my dance classes, I can learn pretty much any dance, and I can follow pretty well. I love how dancing can just make me happy. I always want to dance. It is a great bonding experience with your partner.


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