I am a junior...

In COLLEGE! Where did all this time go? I don't know what happened. I feel like I just graduated high school and now I am halfway done with college. I was thinking of all the times when I was a young women talking about college and getting married. I have friends getting married. I have friends buying houses. It is important to prepare when you are young because before you blink you are getting closer to the age of independence. I remember when I was 12 thinking to myself "In 10 years, I will be graduated from college, and maybe married". Well, now that is 2 years away from me. Think ahead and always remember who you want to become because before you know it, you are entering the next stage in your life.

Who do you want to become? Know this before you are 22, because otherwise you are going to be graduated from college clueless. Yes, you might have a bachelor's degree but you are emotionally lost in a big world. It just amazes me that I am growing up. Sometimes I enjoy this freedom from knowing that I a independent with my decisions, yet it can scare me. I don't want to graduate from college because I know then my life is fully in my control. I want that but I want someone to make my decisions for me at times. It would make my life much more easier because I could blame my mistakes on other people. Accountability is a good but scary thing. I am just scared by the fact that there are a thousand options ready for me. Each option is a good thing. Which option is the best? I don't want to have one hundred doors open and close the wrong door and regret making a wrong decision. It is scary to trust in yourself. I am inperfect and my way of thinking isn't completely logical all the time. Can someone perfect tell me what I should do?


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