Good Life

Yes, we do have a lot to complain about. But we have a lot to be grateful for. We have homes, families, friends, religion, plentiful amount of food, beds, tvs, and clothes. I feel like too often we forget about the importance of the simple things in life. Not to put a damper, but the third world countries really do suffer and it is amazing how blessed America is. We don't have to worry about where our shoes will come from because we have them in our closet (for the most part). So, we are living the good life. Of course, there is unemployment, divorce, poverty, eating disorders, depression and other problems we deal with. But, think of all the good things we have in our life. For the most part they outweigh the bad things.  I guess it all depends on your perspective. In what way do you look at life? Do you count your blessings or do you count your problems? Your perspective on life can either make you or break you.


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