Communication Climate

Today, we learned about communication climate today in my interpersonal communications class. It was a really good class period, but I could easily apply everything we learned in my daily life. We talked about confirming and disconfirming communication climates. Confirming shows value to the other person, and disconfirming will show judgment and superiority. We will always make a climate, and we may make one unintentionally. We may give an attitude of judgment yet we are trying to be non judgmental. We talked about verbal abuse and how that can destroy a relationship by making a disconfirming climate. We may try become close with that person but with the negative climate, there is trust issues and hurt that will be carried.

We learned something that I think everyone can apply in their life in someway. The climate of a relationship is shaped by the degree people believe themselves to be valued by the other person in the relationship. The most important thing about a relationship is that the other person will feel valued by your actions, words and deeds.

When making new friends and when establishing a social "reputation" of yourself, the most important thing one can do is to treat others well. When you treat someone like they a worth a million bucks, then you just have created a confirming communication climate and there will be good communication between the two partners.

Think of your friends. Who do you want to be with? I don't want to be with people who belittle me, offend me, judge me, and act like they are superior than me. If I wanted to feel bad about myself, then they would be my best friend. But nobody wants to feel bad about themselves, so we long for others who will uplift us and not try to compete with us, but who will support us in all that we do. We need to be that friend who will be there to listen, cry with, walk with, run with, laugh with, eat ice cream with and help uplift them until they reach their full potential.  If we are that best friend, we will create positive confirming communication climates and people will naturally be drawn to us.


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