
So, I finally feel relieved after a long semester of work in the library in the summer. It was torture this summer. But we went to Boise for the Music Festival. It was really hot and sweaty but I had a blast! I saw Sugar Ray, MC Hammer and Joan Jett. Sugar Ray sang their four hits..haha...but they were enertaining. I noticed in their songs, the phrase "Do it again" is repeated a lot. I think a lot of their songs are about sex. But then again, a lot of songs are about sex. Anyways, MC Hammer put on a amazing show. He was definitely so much fun to watch. He had his dancers and they ended the performance with their shirts off. The girl was very happy that they took their shirt off. She said "I can take you home" extremely loud. Life outside of Rexburg can be shocking sometimes. You don't hear swearing, don't see bikini's, not as much beer drinking, and PDA is put on a lower level (for the most part). So going straight from Rexburg to this concert, there were some extremes. It made me laugh though. We went with my brother and sister in law and my cousin came along. It was fun to have someone in the back seat with me that we could laugh along the car ride with. We have spent at least 12 hours traveling the last two days so I am happy to not be in a car with no air conditioning.

We traveled through Oregon. I loved seeing the little towns. It is so funny how you get so used to franchises. I like seeing funny named grocery stores and family owned food places. The simple things in life make me happy. Family owned stores, trees, air conditoning, water, music, sleep, ipods and really just everything. Oregon is really pretty so far, we saw a lot of trees and green. I love forests already, but the forests here were just beautiful. I can't wait to go on a hike and go look at some water falls. I like seeing new places and new people. I like looking at people's lifestyles and how they change based on their economy. I noticed that the stores offered would change from the levels of economy. You could see different hobbies associated with different levels of economy as well. I heard my brother talk about his mission and where he shopped and different people he met, how he broke up a fight, and investigated on the streets we drove on. We had a good    conversation about the church that just helped me see that the gospel is true. There are so many simple confirmation that I saw in the last month that helped realize that the church is true. I have known, but it just reaffirms my original beliefs. So far this road trip has built my testimony, expanded my scenery, been relaxing, hopefully got me a nice tan. and  had fun with my best friend. The best part is that it isn't over yet!


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