Happy 4th of July!

I hope we all had a good 4th of July! I was extremely busy. I went to Provo, Stadium of Fire (which was soooo good!)! I danced in a street party in Provo! Sunday I traveled back and spent time with the family having family dinner, walking around in the gardens, playing frisbree and watching my cute cousins run in the sprinkers. I slept over at my best friend's house and we watched An Affair to Remember, went to the Rexburg Parade, went to a bbq, and ending going flyfishing, getting eaten alive by mosquitos in St. Anthony and Island Park, and making smores. Overall...a pretty good weekend. I didn't get any homework done. I think I will regret that factor. But this weekend truly felt like summer. I relaxed. I spent time with my family and friends. I went flyflishing! And I went to a amazing concert! And I ate way too much food. I will definitely be working out to get off all those chips, hamburgers, jello salads, cookies and good food out of my stomach!

Anyways, I am happy to live in America. I love this holiday. I love fireworks, even though fireworks after Wishes isn't as good; I love to eat and watch fireworks. The most important part of this holiday is though to remember what freedoms we have. There are people fighting for the freedom we have. We should always remember their actions and be grateful to live in this nation. We are truly blessed!


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