
I thought of David Henry Thoreau today when I was at Silver Falls. They have 10 large falls that you can hike up to. I remember learning about him in English and getting the impression that we should all move to the woods and live in our tiny cabins and enjoy the simple things in life. Some things about living in cabin with no electricity sound appealing, but I like my cell phone, toilet, showers, and clean running water more than the simplicity of life.  Anyways, It was a beautiful hike. I loved seeing the trees, waterfalls, creeks, rock formations and just being out in nature. There is a serenity that can be felt with nature. I remember going to Girls camp and thinking about God's love for us by just looking at the beauty of the Earth. It reminded me of those thoughts today when I was looking at the beautiful water falls. I had fun taking pictures with my bestie and talking with my family, but I had lots of time to just think and ponder about my life and what I should do. I felt like a philosophy and psychology freak. This was my breakthrough while taking my nice long hike.

There is this mentality that we have be positive all the time. Being positive is a good thing. Don't get me wrong nothing is more important than a smile and a optomistic attitude. But what the opposition of happiness? Sadness is a vital part of life. Many people think it is a weakness, something is wrong with them if they experience sadness. I think this is false. Everyone has down moments, and it dosen't mean something is wrong  with you if you are sad. I think women experience this more than men because they think they have to be perfect. Perfection is hard to attain yet we are striving to be perfected. Just because we can't be perfect in every situation and role we have dosen't mean that our self worth is less. All that matters is that we try our best. I really think it is okay to not to be happy 100 percent all the time and tell someone that you need help. Our sad moments don't all need to be private. We don't need to end our crying session and then 5 minutes later tell our neighbor that we are feeling perfectly happy. We can be more honest with others that we are experiencing sadness and ask for help. This dosen't show that we are anymore weaker than the moment before, in fact I believe it is showing inner strength by showing that are emotionally intelligent and know how to recognize our emotions.


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