
I know I have talked a lot about this summer, but it really has been such a blast. Everyday is a new adventure. I have no idea who I will talk to or hang out that day with. I might end up sleeping and camping out on University Avenue (did that for the 4th of July Parade) or dancing in the rain (did that the other day as well).

It is fun to have my friends who like to go on adventures with me as well. We all kinda have this attitude of willing to try new things and meet new people. There are no limitations in what we do and what we can do.

Living life as a adventure just makes everything so much more fun. I feel like I am in my own little movie called "Pirates and Princesses". I don't know why that title, but I just feel like my life is full of figurative pirates and princesses. I meet new people everyday and just am not afraid to try new things. It is the best way to spend your summer. If you are bored, try looking at life as a adventure instead of a long complex and confusing journey.

So, I am excited for my next adventures in the future. Tonight, my adventure is a bland date country dancing. We all know that I love country dancing and that blind dates can be really fun and you never know what to expect (just like a adventure). Seriously, they could be the most awkward people, or you could be swept off your feet. You just don't expect much and then let things happen.

I just had this thought of "flow" in your life. I was in the wave pool with my friend and letting the water just let me take me where it wants to go. I ended up in the deep water and then drifting to the shallow end. It was so relaxing and anxiety-free to let the water take me in its natural course. Then I thought, what if I didn't try to fight as much as I did and let things be? Just like the Beatles song, "let it be". I think I want that to be my new philosophy. Let things be as they are and just don't worry. We can only change what we can control but we can't control others. So, I am going to stop trying to control external things and only control what I can. Life is adventure that will just happen when I am carefree.


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