Bucket List....Check!

So, tonight was Stadium of Fire. I love concerts and fireworks, so the combination of the two just makes me so happy. I saw The Beach Boys and the country guy who just won American Idol. The Scotty guy was sooooo good. Seriously, his voice is low. He is good for only being 18 years old. And then, I was scared about the Beach Boys. They are old. They are in their 70's, so it was their 50 year anniversary. But their concert was a blast. It could of been because of the people I went with, but they still had their livelihood in their music.

They had the beach thing going on, and all their songs would make you want to get up and dance. I danced a lot during the night. I moved, sang, danced, made up words and watched others do the same thing as me. I saw moms and daughters and families dance to the Beach Boys together. I loved it. My favorite part was when they sang California Girls. I could hear the intro and I just knew they were singing my song. So, I stood up and did my thang. Yes, I know I spelt that wrong. It was on purpose.

I knew every word to the song, and I agreed that California has the cutest girls in the world. It was one of my bucket list items: Dance to California Girls with Beach Boys Live. Done. Good feeling to accomplished one of my bucket list items.

I love the Beach Boys. They still have it going on even in their old age. They just amaze me how they are able to keep their energy up and have a good show. I would say that going to Stadium of Fire was worth all the money I paid for. The firework show is always really good, but I love the concerts. Last year was Brad Paisley and David Archuleta. I have seen them both already, but it is always fun to see the same people in different places, times of year, and avenues. There is a different feel in the concert whether or not is based on a stadium or tiny Lake Tahoe avenue.

I love the feeling of knowing all the words to your favorite song and then seeing them live. You don't care what others think of you and you let loose completely. It is a wild, adventurous moment in some ways. You sing on the top of your lungs and dance until your body is utterly exhausted. This is how I feel right now. All my energy is gone, but I can sure say that dancing to California Girls just was a self-esteem booster. It made me think of how I get tan...haha. Just kidding. But, thanks Beach Boys for putting on a aweomse show. I have one more item on my bucket list checked off right now.

Did I ever write on here that I saw the Village People at the state fair? I think the most unpredictable people I have seen live include: The Beach Boys, MC Hammer, Village People, NSYNC and Katy Perry. I like expanding my people who I have seen. And the fun thing is that I am only 21. I can see so many more with all my years left!


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