The Quiz.

First of all, there is this awesome song called the Quiz by Hello Saferide. Look it up, well actually here it is.
What would your questions be when dating and looking for someone? I was thinking about some of the important questions for me include:

Do you have a sense of humor?
Do you laugh?
Do you enjoy animals?
Do you like doing outdoor things?
Do you like playing games?
Are you ambitious?
What do you wanna do with your life?
Are you okay with someone who makes up their own words and uses them all the time?
How do you feel about adventures?
Do you the difference between the time to play and the time to work?
Are you a active LDS member?
Do you value family?
Do you get along with my family?
Do you like traveling?
Are you kind and pacient?
Are you social?

Yeah, this is my quiz. You must pass these questions in order to date me. Well, I can be flexible.


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