What is your life story?

I was thinking about what makes us who we are and what defines us. I think it so interesting. My roommate said that she wanted people to tell their life stories with each other more often so we can get have better understanding of each other. I agree completely with her statement. Our conversations are so superficial. We talk about the weather, external events, and other people. We shouldn't talk about ourselves all the time. What if we really got to know other people by talking about where we have been already?

The past roads I have traveled have made me who I am today. If I was accepted to BYU, then my life plan and thought process would be completely different. If I chose to date certain people, I would be completely different. I just think it is fascinating that who we are is defined by our past. It is defined by our past and our family history's past. Even if we don't know our ancestor's, they are a part of us and help define who we are. I have no doubt that when we meet them, that we will recognize certain personality aspects and behaviors that are similar to our ancestors. 

Understanding people is my favorite major. I love learning about what makes people who they are. Why do people act the way they do? Why do people make mistakes and justify them? To understand the numerous questions we may have, we just look at their past. I know this may sound very freudian, but there is truth in it. 

If someone has anxiety issues, they will most likley have them in the future. The past will repeat itself. Change is inevitable. We may change for the worse or the better. But for the most part, where we have been is a big indicator of who we are today. 

So, if you want to understand people better, ask them about their life story. Everyone has a life story. It may not be the most exciting life style. It may be a outrageous life style that is complicated. Whatever it is, don't be afraid to share it. We are given our individual life stories in help others who may go through similar life experiences. 

I just love hearing other's life experiences and stories. This is what we do in therapy. We are merely sharing our perspective and how we received it through our life experiences. Take my challange by trying to get to know people more by talking to them about their life stories. You will become fascinated by the variety of life stories that may be shared. Dare to share. That is my new motto!


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