There is hope.

Do you know those times when you don't see the light in the tunnel? It is complete darkness. I am coming to understanding what is included in addictions recently. With my job, I watch a lot of therapy sessions about pornography. I know it sounds weird, but I really feel like learning about pornography is what I should be doing with my life. It is days like today that confirm my feeling.

Today, I watched this session and It was amazing. Seriously amazing. This couple was the ideal situation. He lied about his pornography addiction, but he was recovering at a good pace and didn't have any relapses recently. To hear what motivated him was amazing and inspirational to me. His wife was amazing. She was so supportive and recognized that she wasn't the reason for his addiction. A lot of times the wife internalizes the situation and thinks that she is not good enough or that she did something wrong. He put pictures up of his family and his four year old daughter by the computer. He talked about how his families love for him was his primary motivation. It made me think about what changes human behavior. True love and compassion changes others. If the husband could sense, a manipulating kind of love, then he might not of changed.

I saw the husband cry. I saw him weep over his mistakes and times he relapsed and caused pain for his family. The regret held was so strong and overwhelmed his emotions. It was amazing to me that he was able to come so far from being so deep in his addiction.

The thing that I love about studying addictions is that there is a possibility for hope and recovery. Often times, recovery from addictions is one of the hardest things that someone can accomplish. I admire people who can recover from a addiction. I truly want to applaud every step they make and let them know that they can make it addiction free. I sometimes think that my past has included hard trials. I think my life holds some hard trials, yet when I compare them to recovering from a addiction, then I realize that my life is not hard.

I have a lot of friends who have dated people who had problems with pornography. I know it isn't easy. Please don't drop someone as a friend just because they are having a hard time with a addiction. That is the absolute worst thing you can do. If you truly love someone, offer to provide help and support to a loved one who suffers from addictions. It is the right thing to do even if it may be hard to do. Sometimes the hardest and the right thing are the same.

And to those who may read my blog who suffer from a addiction, there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Don't ever think that you are too far from recovery to try. There is a pathway and people who want to help you. You don't need to experience the negative effects from pornography forever. You can fill up your life with love, joy, real friends and love again. You deserve it. You aren't scum. I just can't emphasize my empathy for individuals suffering from addictions. I have not experienced a addiction, but I can feel for you. I can try to imagine all the pain that comes from it. So don't give up. Even if recovery is hard, it will be worth it. Trust me.


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