Us Agaisnt the World

It is my new favorite Coldplay song. It is on their new album and I just love that song. Look it up!

I am just grateful for my friends. I had a nice little breakdown today. Those are my favorite! I came home and said "I hate my life". In reality, we all know that my life is so blessed. I really have nothing to complain about. It was just one of those moments where my emotions took over and logic had no chance in beating my irrational emotions. I try to be a logical person and see the benefits in all of my situations I am placed in. For some reason, I couldn't see the benefits in my life in this brief moment. I was stuck in this pathetic situation, where my life absolutely was miserable. That is what I was thinking.

You know what I realized though? Even though my life situation isn't horrible, If it became horrible, I would be fine. I have the best friends that care so much about me. I am so grateful for their time to just listen to me and help me see the good things in life. Even if I became homeless, they would still be my friend and visit me in my corner. Maybe, they would buy me a hotdog periodically. Hopefully, I am never homeless. I never want to be homeless.

This is not the point though. I am just grateful for my best friends who listen to my pathetic problems that I exaggerate. I can complain about anything and they still would listen to me. I don't know I deserve the people in my life because they are absolutely wonderful and amazing. My ward has this thing called "nice notes". I love them because it is a way to say things to people in a different way. I received the nicest compliments today from people in my ward. I don't think I deserve the compliments at all.

I think it is so interesting to see how others see us and then how we see ourselves. We only see our weaknesses, but if someone is our best friend then they will see our strengths. They will tell us what they admire in us and validate us in our times of weakness. I have had many of those best friends in my life who know that I am not perfect. They know that I am perfectionist. They know my fears. They know that I have mental breakdowns periodically. They also can see my strengths and repeat them to me when I am feeling down.

So, to my best friends. It is us agaisnt the world. We will be able to help each other through these difficult times when we face so much ambiguity. Your strength and love helps me make it through each day.

I am just learning the definition of a best friend. They are more than just someone you have fun with. They know you so well that they know what is best for you. They are willing to sacrifice their needs for your needs. They love you unconditionally. They don't care if you look like a mess, because you have seen them in a mess as well. It is what makes you bond when you can trust each other completely with every fear, joyous moment, funny moments and my favorite (awkwardness)!

Love you all. Seriously, thanks for being there for me :)


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