Exciting News

I started my mission papers. It was completely out of the blue, but I feel good about my decision. I don't need another distraction from my school work,yet I have another one. I want to go on a mission now. Tomorrow. I would love to go spanish speaking because I love the spanish language.

It's just so crazy to me how I am planning on this and how it was never part of my plan. It feels good. I can't help but smile when I tell people that I am going on a mission. I just want to jump up and down and scream to the world that I will be Sister Jensen. I need to get all my medical stuff done before my papers are submitted. But, I am anxiously waiting for that day when I get my mission call. It is so exciting because I have no idea where I will be going. I don't care where I will be going. I will love whoever I am serving and teaching.

I love telling people that I opened up my mission papers. It is just so exciting. Life is good. And since my decision to go on a mission, I have no fear when I look forward.

So, those are my exciting news.


  1. That is exciting! I wouldn't necessarily get your hopes up about Spanish. I filled out my papers and listed my foreign language experience: four years of Spanish, two years of French, and one year of ASL, with A averages in each. I said I really wanted to learn a foreign language and I felt I would be good at it. I thought I was a shoo-in for a foreign language. But I got English. But I seem to be the exception rather than the rule.

    A mission is something that will change your life and you will never regret.

  2. I was just thinking how much I miss Kristen Jensen. So I started reading your blog and what amazing news you had to share! I'm so happy for you that you feel impressed to serve a mission. I love you darling! You will be a fantastic missionary!


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