Difficult Moments

I thought that the quote on my header was quite appropriate to how I am feeling right now. I have just had a down week. I have had good moments but I have just felt overall down. It is not a fun feeling. I felt like I had nothing to look forward to all week. I felt like I had no social life. I didn't feel needed by anyone. My mind was playing tricks by telling me negative thoughts. I heard all week that I wasn't good enough to write my research paper. I would never reach my goals. The reason my friends don't talk to me is because they don't like me. Of course, I would try to counteract these negative thoughts. I do have friends. I have family. I am single but my world won't end because of my relationship status.

I didn't really tell anyone I was feeling down until today. All week I was walking around with these negative thinking. I tried to keep a happy image. Everything was okay. I was fine. I could handle my emotions by myself. Independence is a good thing right? I talked to some people today and they all related to me! They knew exactly how I felt. It just made me feel like I am not alone. It was so comforting to know that people knew what I was going through. I know that hiding our cooped up negative feelings will only build them up. You don't want built up negative feelings inside of you eating out of your soul. You will begin to believe the voice that tells you aren't good enough and that you are unloved. Let people in when you feel down and talk to them about how you feel. You don't need to tell them every detail of your sadness but it is okay to rely on other people for help. I have this stubborn independent streak. I don't like to tell people that I am sad. I try to hide but it comes to a point where I can't handle it by myself or my friends can finally tell something is wrong by my distant and unusual behavior.

Once I talked about how I felt, there was this burden out of my chest that I felt leaving. I could enjoy myself a little more and I could see a positive light out of the darkness I was feeling. I went dancing and actually enjoyed myself. I went my usual running and got out my frustration and stress. The thing about running is it is a temporary relief. All week running was a quick fix to my problems. After I worked out I felt great. A hour or two the feeling of sadness would come back again.

So, my point in this blog so not to receive pity from my blog readers. I am writing this nearly to express my own feelings and maybe this will help one of you! Just remember to let people help you when you are sad. Pulling yourself away and spending time by yourself will only bring your thoughts toward your own self. Start looking outwards towards others and your hobbies. Talk to people about how you feel. Cry. Write. Run. Try not to eat as much. Find your stress relievers and find your best friend. Be Healthy. Don't make yourself stuck with self-pity, a chick flick, and a bucket of ice cream. It will only add to instant fat gain and feeling even more down because your life is not like the chick flick. Go do something.  Find God. These are my solutions. Remember that these may help you but you still may feel down even after using these techniques. It may takes time based on the severity of your sadness. The good thing is you can only improve when you feel like you are at your lowest point. There is only one direction to go but up!


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