My Visits with Grandpa

I was bored this Sunday Afternoon and so I decided to make some cookies! They were extremely sweet and I didn't want to eat them all by myself so I decided some service would be good with visiting friends and family. I took some to my Family Home Evening Brothers who said they were delightable. I was talking to my mother and talking about how I was trying to thicken my frosting. She suggested I go visit grandpa and bring over some cookies. So I did. It was delightful. I went with my roomate and we went on a nice sunday walk over to his house. We talked about BYU-Idaho and just about family and life. It was a nice visit. I forget that to go over there just to talk. I go over there a lot to eat lunch and do homework when I get tired of doing homework in the library. But I don't go over there as much to go visit with him. I should go over to just talk to him. For my communications project, I am going to interview him about his life and his advice for young single adults. I am excited to do my project. It will require extra time just talking to him asking him questions and getting to know him better.

Can I just brag for a minute? (because I can!) :). I have the best grandpa ever. He is amazing. Everytime I learn something new about him, I always am so grateful that he is my grandpa. He is my hero in that he contains so much wisdom! I learn something new about him and he gives me hope and encouragement. I love asking for advice and just talking to him. He texted me today, that was first! haha. Someday I will become like him and all my grandkids will love me. They will bring me over cookies and visit me. Anyways, I love my visits with my grandpa. He is good at making me feel like I am his favorite granddaughter!


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