
Fear is the opposite of faith. We talked about developing talents today in Relief Society and Sunday School. There seemed to be a common theme of not letting your fear take away from your opportunities to grow. It made me think about how fear will stop growth. We fear of failure so we don't try. What would you do if you knew you could succeed? Would you do a dance competition? Would you ask out that cute guy/girl you see every once in a while? Would you try to repair that one broken friendship? Would you go after that one scholarship or internship?

Everyone has their own fears. I fear being alone, spiders, having my food touch on plates, failure, and not reaching my full potential. Sometimes I feel my fear creeping in and stopping me from trying to reach my goals. I find myself wanting something and then thinking of the possibilities of what could go wrong. That is the wrong kind of thinking. Of course something could wrong! There is no promise that your life will turn out perfectly. I am sorry. Things will go wrong. Don't let this stop you from trying to reach your goals though. If we aim for the stars and fail for that goal, at least we moved upward. The point of this life is to always become better. We must strive to constantly improve ourselves. This is not always easy because we are constantly making goals and working. What fear can do is just make you remain static or make us become worse than our initial state.

Another thing is nobody can make us have fear. We are the only ones who can control if we are confident or if we are insecure. Nobody can make us feel inferior. I love the fact that we have agency. We can choose for ourselves what we want, and what our future will be like. It is a scary concept but in the end we are responsible for our attitude and improvement. So don't let anyone take away your confidence. Don't let anyone take away your strength. Only you can let fear come in and destroy your inner confidence!


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