My Life Rearranged
After a hard week of just feeling down, I have taken a different approach to my school work. Normally school work comes first, but I have tried to calm my inner sadness and then worry about school. It has worked! I haven't done homework in three days. I went to the temple. I have worked out. I have slept. I have talked to friends, and finally today I felt this urge to rearrange my bedroom. I can't really rearrange my room because I live in a apartment but I did the best I could. I searched through all of my clothes and rearranged them by color and style in my closer. Let me tell you it made feel so much better. I found the brand new sweater I couldn't find. I found some random things I had been looking for. Searching through all of my things just made me realize all the things I have. I rearranged my drawers and picture. I saw pictures of friends and family. It made me think of all the people who love me and all the good memories I have had with them. I asked my roommate why I had this sudden urge to change my surroundings. She told me it was because I was curing my sadness and making a change so I wouldn't go back to my depressed way of thinking. I don't know how moving my room around me helps me thinking positive, but looking at my room now gives me hope. Now I can focus on school that I feel better about myself. This approach might now work for you, but try it if you need some uplifting. Change can be a good thing. After break ups, it is always good to take away pictures of your ex and replace them with friends and other things to remind of positive things in your life. This may work for depression too. Take away the clutter in your life and simplify your life! Focus on the basics. You will see much clearer! And in the meantime go dancing, smile, read, do whatever you love so you can enjoy the moment.
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