Daddy I wuv you

This post is dedicated to my father James Kent Jensen.
Well this is a picture of me, my mom and my dad. I have many memories of my dad. His dad jokes were a classic at the dinner table.His hard work to pay for my college education is appreciative.His dedication to teaching and the gospel inspires me to increase my learning about the church. I remember sitting on his lap and singing "Daddy I wuv you, Daddy I'm proud of you". I remember dancing on his feet. I remember playing the "fall" game where I would fall and he would catch me before I would fall on the ground. Sometimes he wouldn't catch me...but that is besides the point. His dedication to sports is impressive. His past of breaking windows in the church and his Ricks College days. Putting books in my mom's backpack so the sensor would go off when she would walk out of the library shows his sense of humor. He thinks he is so funny. The thing about my dad which is the most important is the fact that he tries to do what is right and be a good example to  me and my siblings. He works hard to teach us what is the most important things in our life. Although I don't live at home anymore, I will remember playing sequence with him. I will remember swing dancing with him at my beehive activity in my poodle skirt. I remember hearing him play Chopin and Shostakovich. His love for Chopin inspired me to keep playing. My dad isn't perfect. Nobody is perfect, but he has many strengths. I remember playing made up games in the house on Saturday Afternoon with him changing the rules as we would go. I remember him being the "Bish-dog". He was the cool Bishop with his chat nights at out house when I was little. I remember his look after me and my mom would go was on sale right? We saved this much money, and it was Nordstrom's half-yearly sale. We can't pass that. "She has enough shoes!". We had to teach him that with different outfits you wear different shoes. He dosen't really understand this concept. I don't think he really enjoys listening to my boy talk or hearing my stories about my adventures with my friends, but he listens none the less. He doesn't really like chick flicks. He likes College Basketball and College Football. He likes spending time with his family, reading books, doing genealogy work, going to the temple, playing sports, playing games, and letting his daughter spend his money. :) Of course! haha. I guess I have been a daddy's girl. I will always be one. Happy Father's Day!


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