Early to Bed...Early to Rise

I am trying this new thing called going to bed early. Most college students don't do it but my roommates are good influences on me. Here is my reasoning why going to bed early and getting up early is beneficial.

1. You get more sleep!
2. I can get up in the morning and run before class. It is a good way to wake up and bring a positive attitude.
3. I can read in the morning in bed before I feel enlightened.
4. My brain shuts off at night. I can't think and do homework. I dedicate myself to school in the afternoon. I play at night. I sleep early and get up early in the morning to do homework!
5. Nothing good ever happens at night. Trouble will start if you break curfew, you will waste time talking to people on facebook and watching videos on youtube. Your guard isn't up at night. You will give in to circumstances you normally wouldn't.
6. There is a strength from early to bed and early to rise. There is a feeling of being healthy and productive. You feel like you are doing something with your life. You feel successful. You feel empowered.
7. Your grades will go up.
8. Your social life won't be as great because you are going to bed when everyone else is partying. That is okay with me, I would rather be happy and healthy with my sleep.

So, you can take my word that going to bed early has many benefits. Make it a habit and try to go to bed the same time each night. You will find that going to bed is earlier as you get tired earlier.


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