How well do you communicate?

I have been studying for my communications class today and I have learned about the different things that makes someone a good communicator.

So here are some questions to ask yourself:
Are you a good listener?
Do you give your full attention when listening to someone?
Do you give mixed signals that you care with your body language and your mind is thinking about something else?
What do you value with communication?
What is your tone like?
Do you try to uplift with positive words?
Do you know how different genders and cultures communicate?
Do you show eye contact when talking to someone?

There are different things we do that are rude with communication. We communicate at all times with our words and with our nonverbal cues. We can use clothing to send messages. We can use body language to show we are interested or that we don't want anything to do with the person. We can use our tone to show we are excited or angry. Communication is hard because we are all different and we come with different perspectives. It can be confusing because we can send signals unintentionally. We may not mean to send a signal that we think that person is annoying but it will come out naturally. Our responsibility is to be aware of the signals we are sending and try to be honest and kind in our dealings.


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