Moments of Joy

I have had a fun and busy week. I have been out of my apartment pretty much all week. But I have experienced moments of joy and just seeing a different perspective. Tonight was my grandpa's birthday. My family from Boise came up and then my mom and my little brother were here to celebrate. We barbecued, ate cake, gave presents, and just spent time with each other. It was really fun. Even though I got a 71 percent on my psychology exam, I had a good day because I just enjoyed being with my family.

These are the moments of joy I felt today. I enjoyed watching the joy on my grandpa's face when I knew he got his wish for his birthday. I could tell he just wanted to be with family. He wanted his loved one's around him. I love seeing my grandpa happy. Last holiday season, we decorated his house with neighbors and friends. After decorating, drinking hot chocolate, and singing hymns, I could just tell that he was happy. I saw him tear up tonight. We gave him a new computer for his genealogy work. His old computer was slow and somewhat unmanageable. He was due for a new computer. But, I could tell he felt loved when we gave him  the gift. He could continue on with the most important work he could do in a more efficient way. He felt appreciated and loved by those around him. Just seeing him feel like that was sweet for me to watch.

Another thing was the innocence of children. We are taught to become like little children because they are so pure and kind. I have always heard, they are so selfish. They want everything for themselves. When I worked at the Montessori preschool, I saw both sides of children being selfish and children being selfless.My cute cousins were playing in the field. I played "chase" with my little cousin. He was so cute. His smile was precious. I loved seeing him laugh. A child's laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world. He was just simply having fun and spreading the joy that he felt. There were no cares in the world for him. He had this amazing love and smile that he shared with me. Then my cousins decided to have a dance party at 10 at night on the lawn in the dark and sell tickets for one dollar. What a great idea! We listened to "Who let the dogs out" and I watched them do their "kung fu panda" dance. It was just fun to watch them. They were again so happy. No worries in the world. They had everything they needed. Family, music, a full stomach, their healthy bodies and  everything was wonderful. The kids had this hope in them that I recognized tonight. Of course, they cried when they wanted attention. But for the most part, we can learn a lot from children. They know that they are loved and are valued. I have this theory that they are happy because they just came from God. They know their divine nature.

I just have had these moments of joy this week. They haven't come from boys, school, food, exercise, psychology and the bachelorrete. Of course, all of these things bring me happiness. These moments of happiness come from my family. I really truly believe we can be with our families forever. And what happiness that brings!


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