
I watched a documentary on Beethoven and his life. Let me tell you that Beethoven is amazing. How can someone deaf write Ode to Joy without ever hearing it? In the documentary it said that people clapped for him in 5 ovations until the police had to come and silence the crowd in London. Symphony Number 9 was his last symphony before he died when he was 56. He become completed deaf in 1820 yet he still published. He kept writing until he died.

Beethoven was inspired by God. He was mad yet he was brilliant. He was rude and arrogant yet he was humble in his ability to perform and compose music. He talked about his gift he was given and he wanted to use it for its intended use. People think he was disorganzied (and his apartment was) but his brain held so much organized information. One historian on the show said that he had a huge brain and a huge heart. These two would fight with each other yet they frequently would work together to make a masterpiece. I truly believe that what made Beethoven timeless and wonderful is his ability to write music that moved people. His music changed music styles and it had meaning behind it. Each symphony, opera, sonata was full of sorrow, disappointment, drama, contrasting major and minor chords, and endurance. Each one represented his heartbreak and his sense of loss after a heartbreak, family member or his loss of hearing. He would write music to womanize people. He fell in love with women he couldn't be with because of social classes. His whole life he was looking for a wife yet he was never married. Each sonata was written in a specific case for someone. Watching this documentary, I felt like I became to understand him as a composer and a person. He was a loving person with endurance with all of the hardships in his life. He dealt with disability, rejection, family struggles, financial problems and social class restrictions.

I definitely have gained respect for Beethoven. He truly is brilliant. If I could talk to anyone who has died in the past and asked them about their life, it would be Beethoven. Other good posibilities include Jane Austen, Hitler, Anne Frank, Captain Moroni or Esther.


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