We are One

I was thinking about people in general today and all the people I am friends with and have met in the last month. One of my best friends from home loves diversity. Her friend circle is people from all over. I went to her goodbye party last Friday where I was the minority as a blonde and white person. It didn't bother me but normally I am not the minority. I can relate to most everyone as I have had friends from all over the world. I don't see color. I see different personalities and cultures but I try to see everyone as my equal. I had a diverse friend circle in High School, so that is maybe where I learned to relate to all people. Throughout my friendships I have learned that we are one. Even though we may come from a different background and culture, we can find a way to relate each other. There are so many things that separate people today from building friendships; social classes, economy status, home location, personal pride and different family traditions and values. In the end, we all experience love, heartbreak, joy and sadness.We each have our hobbies. We either love dancing, games, sleeping, video games or eating. I have discovered that eating is a way we connect with others. Without food, the world wouldn't be a friendly place because we would lose one way of connection. We connect with others with dancing, hugs, music, family and religion. We can all find some way to connect with nearly everyone. Appearances are deceiving. I know I have looked at people and thought to myself "we are so unlike". I would eventually find out that we both love our dogs and we can relate to our feelings for dogs.

I find that people struggle to get along with our cultures because they don't understand the other person and culture. In 7 Habits for Effective People, it states we must first seek to understand then to be understood. How often do we seek for understanding first? In order to get to know the other person, we must understand who they are before we have them understand us. I am guilty of doing this sometimes in conversations when you always turn the conversation towards yourself. What if we changed the focus a little bit to understanding others. I bet if we lost some of our selfishness we would become more unified and realize that are we one.

On a ending note, today in church someone talked about how we see others. We should see others in what they could potentially become not who they are or who we think they are. We should see them as children of God who can change and become perfect instead of imperfect people who annoy us. Once we see others differently, then our perspective on life and our surroundings will change. We will eventually find out we can help others see their divine potential.


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