A kind of Disney Unrealistic Chick Flick Day

I had one of those today. I was in phyiscal pain so I just wanted to lie on the coach and watch netflix movies that had happy endings all day, so I did. I can do this because I am not in school. If I was in school, I would just have to tough it out and deal with it. I realized that watching these chick flicks that make dating seem easy makes you happy temporarily but it makes you believe in this false reality. You start hoping, wishing and daydreaming that your life will turn out like this chick flick movie you just watched.

Here it goes: You meet someone, there is instant attraction and everything is amazing. Something wrong happens and you have to deal with a problem. The problem is resolved and you kiss and "the end" flashes on the screen. That is what you see in every chick flick. It is the famous plot. And yes, it may happen like this in real life. What if there is no instant attraction when you first meet? What if there is no happy ending? What if fighting just occurs and you can't get over individual differences? I mean, I think I need to come a realistic point of view now after my wonderful and lazy chick flick day. I feel like I have watched a lot of them lately because I don't really have any other plans with my days.

So you out there having one of those "lazy chick flick with no make up day", enjoy it but realize that life dosen't work out like a chick flick!


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