How to avoid becoming a basket case

One of my friends just recently was dumped by her boyfriend and heartbroken. This is my advice to how to move on from a past boyfriend/girlfriend. Breakups are tough but they can be good learning experiences and make you stronger. It will all depend on how you cope with everything. Don't make a enemy with your ex. It is possible to co-exist with your ex in the same room without killing each other. And below is my new favorite song by Sara Bareilles. Yes, I know I have a lot of her songs on my blog but thats because I am kinda obsessed with her music right now after seeing her live.
So. The question of the day: How do you get over someone? This is my "advice column" for people who are going through a break up right now. First thing you just have to point out. It will be painful. Just accept the fact that you will have a hard time. You will doubt yourself, you will cry, you will have anger and denial. You will want to watch The OC all day everyday and just look at Seth Cohen because he is super attractive and does all the wrong things in a cute way.(Maybe not everyone will do this).

Anyways, this is my take on how to get over someone. 

  • There is always the approach to keep busy because you will be distracted. This always works but eventually your ex will always come back to your mind. It is inevitable. 
  •  Sleep lots? Not so bueno. 
  •  Exercise. Get in shape. Endorphins will start kicking in and biologically you will start to feel better as you get off your frustration and get in shape at the same time! Plus maybe some new people may be checking out your new toned body! If you want the toned body, lay off the ice cream after the break up. Let yourself have a mourning period where you can eat ice cream and then be done with mourning. 
  • Date. This is my take on dating after a breakup. Rebounds will only make you feel worse. Date when you feel like you are ready to move on. Be honest with yourself and your future boyfriend/girlfriend about your feelings. Don't use someone in order to help you move on. You are just leading someone on as you move on from your past love. It isn't fair for the other person.  
  • Find something you are passionate about to fill your time. Maybe find a new hobby, project or goal that will give you motivation and something to look forward to. 
  • Reflect back on it and look at what you POSITIVELY learned from the relationship. Try to look at the past relationship as a experience that will help you in your future. Don't ruminate about the past. Try not to talk bad about your ex. Talking bad about your ex will only make you feel worse. Don't be in denial if you are still in love with you ex at the same time. 
  • Travel. Traveling always gives you a new perspective and you get to see all the other fishes in the sea. There are other attractive and good people out there in the world. There is no need to give up hope on this "love" word, right?
  • Have a best friend that will always be there. I found this to work very efficiently. Whenever you get a urge to call your ex, call your best friend instead. Sometimes, you may annoy your best friend but it will get you in the habit of NOT calling your ex. It is hard to break habits and your friends can help you with the process. Make sure your friend is a good listener but doesn't encourage thinking negatively. 
  • Realize that time is the healer of the heart. It will take time. Take each day at a time and realize that pain will decrease eventually. When seeing your ex move on and date other people, you may feel pain but it will go away. You will find love again. 
  •  Take down photos and things that remind you of him/her in the room, so your room isn't a reminder of "what could be" if you were still together.
  • Finally,being friends after breaking up is really hard. I think its possible, but you have to wait until both of you are moved on completely and ready for nothing more than friendship. 

This my advice for all you broken hearted lovers who are seeking comfort. I have been there, It is not a fun place but the good thing is that isn't forever. And those experiences will help you learn and prepare you for your next relationship! Each experience is for our good because we can learn from it.

Maybe some of my tips will help you avoid feeling like a basket case!


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