Let The Rain and Break New Ground

I saw Sugarland and Sara Bareilles the other day. It was an amazing concert. Do you want to know why? Because I was in front a couple feet away on the floor. I have never been that close to the band before. It is a different experience than any concert I have been to before.

I loved Sara Bareilles. She is amazing live. Her voice is so easy to listen to and it is beautiful. She is cute. She wore this adorable hat and dress. Her dress flew up and she said "We are family so I guess you can put that on youtube if you want". She seemed like a very real and genuine person by her performance. She was spunky, fun, talented and had some jerky ex boyfriends. But then again, who hasn't?

I liked Sugarland's ball of positive energy. She danced around the stage in her confident manner just living in the moment. She didn't really talk that much, but much of Sara Bareilles and Sugarland's music was very positive. I loved that it was mostly clean with very little bad langauge and sexual innuendos. My new favorite song (I don't really have a favorite song) is Let the Rain by Sara Bareilles because it talks about taking chances and not being afraid. She says she wants to fall in love and do things in her life without letting fear take over her life. I like her philosophy of living your life with control and not being afraid of the future. So many people I think are afraid something wrong will happen so they don't ever try. Here is the question of the day: What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? Would you run a 10k? Would you get a masters? Would you learn how to scubadive? Would you write a book? Would you travel to Europe? Would you date that one person you check out everytime you see them? There are so many things we wish we could do. Why  don't we break new ground and try to accomplish our dreams? What is the worst that could happen? If we fail, at least we tried and we become better and gained experience. So go do something today and become proactive. Don't wait around for someone to tell you something is okay to do it. Break new ground.


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