
I just saw The Help with my sister in law and mi madre. It was a very good movie. It made me laugh and it inspired me. Skeeter, the main girl, has courage to do the right thing among her racist friends. She does the unthinkable and writes a book based on the "helps" point of view.

What I like about the movie is it was clean with sexual content, there was some language but overall it was pretty clean. I liked how Skeeter was so brave. She didn't see color. She saw human beings with shared experiences and emotions. She could relate to the help because she saw them as her friends. It made me think about how we are raised and how we obtain our attitude and perceptions of the world.Her friends were raised in a racist environment so it seemed clear to them how they should treat their help. She was raised in that environment as well but she broke it with a new perspective. I loved it how it showed that people can change based on their experiences, it may be hard but it is possible.

Another theme that was in the movie is doing the right thing may be hard but it is worth it. She created a lot of enemies by writing a book revealing her friend's wrong attitudes on the help. She opened up a lot of doors by writing the book because she had the courage no one else carried. Her boyfriend broke up with her, her friend circle was destroyed yet she was able to move to New York City and accomplish her goals. It shows that even when we do the right thing, not everything will turn out. We will create some enemies but we just need to stay strong and there will be a better plan available to us.  Overall, I recommend the movie to everyone. It will move you. It was done very well!


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