
Being in my house all day, I felt like I was going insane. I mean, I started singing Opera! When do I just bust out in Opera? I watched a really cheesy ABC Movie called Revenge of the Bridesmaids and Julie & Julia. I played piano, ran, vaccumed the car, cleaned my room and read my book. I like my summer vacation yet I am ready for school. Anyways, when I was watching Julie & Julia, it made me think about blogging. I love blogging. Everyday I wake up and think of what I am going to write about. In the movie "You've Got Mail", she says she can't wait to email Tom Hanks and see what the email is about. She likes to see the email and it makes her happy to write about her personal life and interests. I feel the same way about this blog.

 I open up on this blog and write my thoughts on life. I don't think many people read this blog yet to me it carries meaning to me. It is my journal, my emotional outlet, my expression of my deepest emotions and secrets and wishes. I think that blogging allows people to express themselves in whatever way they want. I follow some fashion bloggers which I love reading their posts. I love reading other's people thoughts on life to see if we have contrasting or similar beliefs. We can do things with blogs in that we reach people all over the world! Some small town girl like me can reach out to other countries. I see that blogging gives people power. We gain power as we express ourselves and we reach others and influence other's ideas. So you fellow bloggers out there...keep blogging!


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