Uncertainty with Decisions
I feel like as Young Single Adults, we deal with uncertainty all the time. What classes should I take next semester? You sign up for them yet the schedule will most likely change. What are my plans for tonight? I feel like most plans are spontaneous.Your life is in this transition period where you feel uncertainty. Sometimes it can be fun to live with uncertainty because the options and door are open before you. You have so much choice and your decision matter because they influence who you will become. Yet, this is scary when looking straight ahead. I have touched on this topic a lot in my blog, but I feel like this is the problem that most people face in my age group. We all know that your choices know will affect our whole life including eternities. How do we deal with uncertainty? This is my most recent answer that may not help any of you but I think it helps me. We recognize that we don't know the answers and that answers will come over time. We know that our life will be ...