Yes, I am from California.

My roommate is talking with her friend about people from California. They are talking about how one of them wants to marry someone from California because they will live there and one of them wants to avoid it because they would hate living in California.

Let me tell what I have heard from others when I tell them I am from California.
1. Do you go to the beach every weekend?
2. Do you see celebrities?
3. Do you get tan over the summer?
4. Do you go to Disneyland a lot?
5. Which part are you from?
6. "I have only been to Southern California but I love California".

Here is my response to these stereotypes:
1. No, I only went a couple of times year because the beach was far away and crowded. We would go to Lake Tahoe but that was cold and not on the coast.
2. No, I never saw celebrities. The only time I have seen a celebrity was when I worked in Disneyworld when I saw Christina Aguilera.
3. I did get tan over the summer because I was outside a lot. But I do get tan very easily.
4. I went to Disneyland maybe 6 times during my lifetime. I didn't go every year like they expect me to.

Most people only go to Southern California when they travel unless they have family in Northern California or they went to San Francisco. I have heard from a lot of people that people from southern California are snobby and beach bums while people in Northern California are "down to earth". I don't know if that it is true, but I do know that there are various perceptions of people from California.

I know that Northern California isn't as exciting as Southern, but there are benefits. I always want to tell people to travel to Northern more because there are so many exciting things to do! There are sports teams, San Francisco, downtown Sacramento, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Santa Cruz, the Jellybelly factory, Six Flags, hiking, and lots of shopping. I know we don't have the beaches but there are so many things to do that you will love it.

Again, I can't tell you if people are different if they are from Northern or Southern. Most people are normal and not going to brag that they are from California if they are from Northern though. It is true that people may have more money there because California is expensive to live there, so that stereotype may be a little true. What differs is that attitude towards money though.

This is my response to my roommate: Not all California people are the same. Don't judge all them as the same. Get to know them before you make assumptions.


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