My life be full of Once Upon a Time

Seriously, sometimes I feel like Once Upon a Time has consumed my life. The show is AMAZING. I learn new perspectives on fairytale characters. I love watching how they tie in new fairytale characters with modern day applications. We can understand what Snow White had to deal with because we see how it would look like in modern day.

I know this is super cheesy, but I have found so many applications to the gospel. Emma is the Savior of the town. The whole town forgets about who they are and they have to reminded of who they are five thousand times in a row and even more. You can find true happiness but there are always trials that you will have. There is a wicked leader that has a plan of taking away agency. The Savior teaches agency and tried to make people's life happier with more freedom and emphasizes making the right choices. During church, I will turn to my roommate and say "Once upon a time" and we will both make a connection. It is amazing.

If you are looking for a good show to watch, then definitely watch Once Upon a Time. It provides good stories, good acting, nice love triangles, murder yet family friendly.

Seriously, I know I have said this enough but I usually say it when I am trying to emphasize something, I understand the characters in a new light. It is just like when you see Wicked. You assume that the wicked witch is bad, but you never hear the full story. You will hear the full story (although it may be changed a little bit) from each character and love it. I know respect characters that I always thought were bad. So, do you want a show to open up your mind? Try it. You won't regret it.


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