
I am currently doing research on marriage, attitudes toward marriage and marriage trends. Let me tell you, I am getting such a good education about marriage from my research jobs! I know that actually being married probably will give you the best knowledge because you can actually apply things you learn. It is so interesting to  me because research shows that people realize that marriage is important but they are afraid to commit or they feel they are unprepared to commit to someone forever. I know it is a big responsibility but it can be done. Healthy marriages can be achieved through certain principles and behaviors.

Especially with LDS young single adults, there is a fear that you will marry someone and then they will end up the wrong person for you. There are financial, emotional, and spiritual worries that all contribute to why people aren't getting married.

All I can say is to those who are afraid that they will never find someone they are compatible with just afraid of being alone is that it will get better. Don't lose hope because like my professor told me: God will provide a way for the righteous. Do all you can do and God will make up the rest.It is a comforting thought. Of course there is a responsibility to act and not wait to be acted upon. If you are sincerely doing all you can do, there is hope for you. I just wanted to give hope to those who are discouraged. Everything will work out for those who are faithful.


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