My Life is like a Repeated Measures Statistical Test

I will explain my title right now. A repeated measures test is simply where you are tested on the same test multiple times and time is included as a variable. I feel like I experience the same problems over and over again. I fix the problem and then the problem comes up again. I get frustrated wondering why this same problem is occurring again.

I came to a conclusion that we experience repeated measures statistical tests in our life because we are forgetful. We learn a important lesson but then we forget it. We need to experience it again in order to relearn it. If we could only learn it once and always remember it, our life would be easy. For example, as a kid we learn that hitting our brother is bad because we go into timeout. We learn this lesson once but then we forget the lesson. Our brother does something that annoys us and then what do we do? We hit him. We are sent to time-out and then relearn the lesson. If we simply remembered the lesson, then we wouldn't have to go into time out again.

Another thing I realized is that our life is full of healthy and unhealthy cycles that repeat constantly. We run through these cycles and try to fight them. I learned about how to break these cycles in my family processes class. Interestingly the instructions in beating unhealthy cycles are easy but again application is hard. Are you interested in learning how to break a unhealthy cycle?

1. Recognize Cycle- Know Symptoms and Causes.
2. At least one person has to stop responding negatively to other person's negative behavior. (This dosen't include changing the other person).
3. Begin to respond positively.

Simple process but hard to apply. I think the hardest part is step one, knowing what triggers the cycle! We are so unaware of these unhealthy cycles that we become trapped in.Well, good luck with changing your unhealthy cycles so you don't live in repeated measures daily.


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